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Excel Plastics
When it comes to their homes and gardens people want and deserve only the best, so you should trust people that deliver only the best. People that EXCEL……
With 20 years’ experience in the industry, Excel Plastics offers the very best in UPVC decking options, ideal for those looking for low maintenance, easy to install and beautifully designed solutions.
Excel Plastics offers a complete range of UPVC decking systems (available in a range of colours) that are ideal for residential, commercial and holiday properties with UK wide distribution.
Come on in and discover our range, and rest assured that our quality products are supported with top quality customer service too.
Caravan decking, Commercial decking, Residential decking, UPVC decking,
Category : Business/Advertising
Site ID : 624578
Title Site : Excel Plastics
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Date Added : 1-2-2019
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