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Sakonsa is a Non-Profit Organisation with a vision to introduce sustainable development goals to young generation through different projects which aims at eradicating poverty, gender inequality, discrimination from our society and raise awareness about social issues, stigmas and stereotypes. Also bridging the gap between Rural and Urban areas which will create a direct support to humanitarian community not only in India but worldwide. We aspire to empower 100000 people by next year by the help of technology as well as empathy and build a society where people have access to basic human needs, have better economic and social opportunities and are aware about their duties and rights. Our aim is to prepare every eligible youth in India to connect with all the 8 important goals of United Nations and also help the youth to become a responsible participating citizen and work for the welfare of people in our society.
Sakonsa, Non-Profit Organization, sustainable development, eradicating poverty, gender inequality, discrimination, social issues, stigmas
Category : Society/Education
Site ID : 671942
Title Site : Sakonsa
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Date Added : 7-6-2021
Hits : 0
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